Friday, May 8, 2020

We're back!

From Sept 2015 to April 15, 2020 we moved into a conventional home a few miles away. Two sweet little girls later, we made the decision to cross Star Valley and once again return to our off the grid adventure.

We've made some upgrades this round to make life more comfortable, and I have to say, we've been having a great time.  The girls (ages 4 and almost 3) are loving all of the time running around outside and learning the names of the plants in the woods.

New propane/solar full size refrigerator

Bathroom before
Bathroom after with fancy
new Swedish composting toilet

An addition is in the works and Lucas has been working hard spreading gravel loads to make a road to the site behind the shack for the concrete truck to poor a 20' x 25' foundation.

Lucas and his brothers, Nathaniel and Buck, have also set up an 8 hole frisbee golf course through the woods.

Just waiting for concrete to be poured in 
the next week or 2

Also, we finished the sauna ages ago....I just never got around to posting pictures :)