Saturday, May 12, 2012

The house has come a long ways since the last post!  Lucas has been busy finishing the interior so we can pass our final inspection.  School is going well, but I'm excited  to be on a 2 week break so that I can get the garden planted, and go visit our new neice who is arriving soon!  Enjoy the pics!

The interior walls are almost completely finished!  The wood is reclaimed barn board from the Amish Wal-mart

Note the amazing addition of the plantar, and the lack of pink insulation showing through!  Battons have started going on!

Raspberry bushes and our bird feeder
Hops!  Lucas created these amazing trellesses out of branches and vines for the hops to crawl up

Garlic from Grandma Audrey Slack :)
Hops climbing away.

Grandma Audrey Arnold's wind chime found a spot :)

Winter Onions