Tuesday, December 10, 2013

The Sauna Begins!

Here comes the Sauna!
It's coming along quickly, but there's still a ways to go. Insulation, stove piping, house wrap, benches and metal siding, and then we will have a functional sauna!

I wanted a picture collage, and Lucas came up with this creative decor.
The pictures hang from a 12 foot long tree branch above our sink and oven.

Jeremy and Lindsey spotted these 2 swag lamps at the local flee market.  This is also a great shot of the colored boards
that line our ceiling in the main room.

A new painting I created of our bathroom window made its way onto the living room wall.

Rilo got to have her very own bed made from the leftover scraps from our reupholstered dining room chairs.

Lucas has been busy!  He also built a 20' long, 10' deep woodshed with these beautiful birds painted on the side.  A picture of the wood shed will come soon, but he also came home with 2 does this hunting season, and they are currently obscuring the view of the shed.